Membership Application
Dues: $30 per couple or $18 per single.
Please print this application, and either Bring it to the Next Meeting or mail it with a check or money order for your dues to us at:
Nautical Nudists Dive & Boating Club
PO Box 742
Land O Lakes FL 34639-0742
You may also pay with PayPal but you MUST specify what the payment is for.
Name (1) _______________________________________________ Name (2) _______________________________________________
Email address (1) _______________________________________ Email Address (2) _______________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________________ State ______________________ Zipcode____________
Home / Cell phone (1) ____________________________________ Home / Cell phone ___________________________________
Diving Qualification/s (1) __________________________________________ (2) ___________________________________________
Boating Qualification/s (1) _________________________________________ (2) ___________________________________________
Are You Willing to Serve on a Committee? (1) Yes No (2) Yes No
Do you Own a Boat/s? Yes No Are you willing to be Photographed? Yes No
Emergency Notification Name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________ City ________________________ State ______________________
Phone Number _________________________________________________ Relationship ____________________________________
I/We agree to abide by the Club Constitution and By-Laws (Click here for the Club Constitution and By-Laws)
(1) _________________________________________________________ (2) ____________________________________________________