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Welcome and thank you for supporting Nautical Nudists, Inc.  Please find your membership card attached for you to print out on cardstock (or regular paper and laminate).


The Nautical Nudists are a social club bringing textile and clothing-free events together for members and friends throughout the year.  


We, as a club, are run by volunteer. You are not obligated, but we always appreciate your support. It could be ongoing support for the whole club (board member, club membership coordinator, webmaster coordinator, zoom coordinator, AANR Membership Coordinator, Social media coordinator, etc), or just a one time effort (event coordinator for a specific event, club representative at events, etc). Please let us know if you have any questions or if you have helpful information.


While we have members from everywhere, we are a non-landed club located in Pasco County, Florida. We have a club potluck (5:00pm) & meeting(6:30pm) monthly on the first Thursday of each month held at Bare RV Resort 6901 Caliente Blvd Land O'Lakes, FL 34637  Phone. 813.996.6008. Our meetings are open to anyone; we just ask that you RSVP so that we can let Bare RV Resort know who to give free admittance for attending.  Please arrive no earlier than 4:30pm. Bring a dish to share if you wish. You may enjoy the ammenities of the resort during your visit.  If you are unable to attend in person, we also have our meeting broadcast via Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent when you register for the meeting each month.


Our club has many events planned throughout the year, but we are always open to suggestions for other events to host.   Be sure not to miss our member's exclusive events:  our biannual picnic at Eden RV Resort, annual Halloween House Party, and our annual Holiday White Elephant Extravaganza Feast.  You may visit our website to see all we can offer you. We have many of our events open for reservation or listed for future registrations, plus links to other nudist and naturist resources. 


IMPORTANT... As a Nautical Nudists member, you now have access to the member's only area of our website: If you haven't done so , please take a moment to setup your login and create a password. When our website loads, a pop up will ask "already a member" or "join our club". Please click "already a member" and it will take you to the login screen. Under "Log In", it says "New to this site? Sign Up". Click on the green "Sign Up" to complete your registration. If you have any issues with this, please contact our webmaster, Rocco, at 813.857.2561 or


Respectfully yours, 


Valerie T.




Live nude, Dive nude.

© Copyright ValRox 2025
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